Flat Earther
Armor Class: 7[12]
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: Bodyslam
Special: Ground
Move: 6
HDE/XP: 4/120
As Big As: A
wrecking ball on stilts.
Smells Like: Molding
cheese, halitosis.
Sounds Like:
Dullness given breath.
Favorite Pastime:
Mashing things into puree.
Turnoffs: Elocution.
Flat Earthers are
the farming experiment of a rogue Contrail Antenna (see pp.xx) long
ago, which have since become their own self-perpetuating species.
They can speak, although reasoning with them is notoriously
difficult. They are generally solitary, but deep in the bowels of
Gathox adventurers have reported bearing witness to large, slavering,
orgiastic conventions of the creatures. They can swing their bodies
from the pillars they carry, inflicting 1d6 damage with a 1 in 6
chance of requiring a save against being knocked unconscious for 1d4
rounds. Additionally, they can slam their pillars on the ground,
requiring a 3d6 vs. DEX check or everyone in a 10' radius is knocked
to the ground for a round.
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